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Four Seasons: Variations in American Vitalist Film Comedy by Paul H. Grawe and Robin Jaeckle Grawe © Institute for Travesty, Comedy, and Humor Studies 2018
Works Cited
Aristotle. Aristotle’s Poetics. Trans. Stephen Halliwell. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998.
Bergson, Henri. “Le Rire.” Tr. Fred Rothwell. Comedy. Ed. Wylie Sypher. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday & Company, 1956: 61-192.
Brackett, Joseph. “Simple Gifts.” Aurelia G. Mace. The Aletheia: Spirit of Truth. Farming-ton, Maine: Press of the Knowlton & McLeary C. 1907. "Joseph Brackett’s 'Simple Gifts.'" http://www.constitution.org/col/lyrics/simple_gifts-p.html. Last accesed January 9, 2018. Frye, Northrop. The Anatomy of Criticism. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1957. Cook, Albert. The Dark Voyage and the Golden Mean. New York: W. W. Norton, 1966.
Grawe, Paul. Comedy in a New Mood. Winona, MN: Institute for Travesty, Comedy, and Humor Studies, 2011. http://www.itchs.org/New%20Mood/New%20Mood%20cover%202.htm. Last accessed January 9, 2018. --------. Comedy in Space, Time, and the Imagination. Chicago, IL: Nelson Hall, 1983. --------. “Pioneer Humor in O Pioneers.” Great Plains Migration Conference, Lincoln, Nebraska, 2002. -------. Sombre Comedy: Comedy in a New Mood. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University, 1971. Republished in part in Comedy in a New Mood. op. cit. Grawe, Paul and Robin Jaeckle Grawe. A Cheshire Smile: Humor Texture and Personality in Shakespeare’s Comedies. Winona, MN: Institute for Travesty, Comedy, and Humor Studies, 2014. http://www.itchs.org/CTCV/CTCV%20cover.htm. Last accessed January 9, 2018.
--------. Comedic Tenor, Comic Vehicle: Humor in American Film Comedy. Winona, MN: Institute for Travesty, Comedy, and Humor Studies, 2008. http://www.itchs.org/CTCV/CTCV%20cover.htm. Last accessed January 9, 2018.
Grawe, Robin. December Comedy: Studies in Senior Comedy and Other Essays. Institute for Travesty, Comedy, and Humor Studies. 2008. http://www.itchs.org/December%20Comedy/DC%20contents.htm. Last accessed January 9, 2018. --------. “The Irrepressibly Complex Falstaff: A Humor Structure Analysis of Falstaff in Shakespeare’s Henry IV Part I,” 2003 Conference of the International Society for Humor Studies, Chicago, IL 2003. December Comedy. 2008. http://www.itchs.org/December%20Comedy/DC%20ch%2012%20.htm. Last accessed January 9, 2018.
Humor Quotient Newsletter. Winona, MN. http://www.itchs.org/HQN%20contents.htm. Last accessed January 9, 2018. Landon, Margaret. Anna and the King of Siam. New York: The John Day Company, 1944. Langer, Suzanne. Feeling and Form. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1953. Magarshack, David. Chekhov the Dramatist. New York: Hill and Wang, 1960.
Pitts, Leonard, Jr. “‘Rocky’ shows us time is ultimate thief of will, body." Winona, MN: Winona Daily News, December 6, 2015.
Shaw, George Bernard. Pygmalion in The Collected Works of Bernard Shaw, vol. 14. New York: Wm. H. Wise and Company, 1930.
Travers, Peter. Rolling Stone. Steel Magnolias video jacket.
Watts, Harold H. "The Sense of Regain: A Theory of Comedy." University of Kansas City Review 13 (1946): 19-23. .
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